Non-profit network to support the Ukrainians in the fight for freedom and democracy


WE raise money for rehabilitation of the wounded in war          
WE connect hearts, minds and hands so good forces can work together!
WE help resources find each other


Our Project

We need to fundraise 50 000€ to donate a TC2weaving loom to the Lviv National Academy of Arts. The Academy helps men and women wounded in the war to recover mentally and physically through art therapy.

Know more
Weave the world

Our first target:
The TC2 weaving loom

to help WAR VETERANS in Ukraine! The Weaving Loom will give hope and show the wounded are not forgotten!

It would be great to show our defenders that they can work without arm or leg or with any other injury.Because they look confused after the message “you’re not a soldier now.”  Theydon’t know what to do. And this is only a start. The war is not over. We’ll see more and more veterans.

Olena Morokhovska at the textile department at Lviv National Academy of Arts

After being broken it’sgood to see you’re able to create something beautiful.

TC2 loom will also make uscloser to Europe. I think TC2 can create a connection. We will have this“thread” between us and will better understand each other.

Coming up

Popups in Bergen and Oslo!

To raise money for art therapy in Lviv, Ukrainian designers and artists will donate fashion and art through “pop-ups”in Bergen and Oslo.

Our Team

Independent, non-profit organization to support Ukraine in their and our common fight for freedom, democracy, and existence. The organization will contribute to rehabilitating, strengthening, and rebuilding Ukraine, through developing networks and stimulating to activity within:
Business life, sports, arts and culture, education and research and humanitarian aid

Knut Vindenes
Founder and head of steering group
Arne Møller
Founder and member of steering group
Mona Koster Johannesen
Founder and member of steering group
Kateryna Panchenko
Founder and member of steering group
Tatiana Budkova
Volodymyr Ilkiv
Founder and member of steering group

Become a part of Weave the World

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Organisation Number: 933226476
Contact Information: vindenesknut@gmail.com
Tel: +4798234952